
edel-stahl Büchele GmbH & Co KG
Rheinstraße 4
6971 Hard

Managing directors: Christoph Büchele, DI Roman Büchele

T +43 (0)5574 72513
F +43 (0)5574 72513 73

Commercial register court: Feldkirch Regional Court
Commercial register number: fn367664h
UID number: ATU66683822

edel-stahl Büchele GmbH & Co KG is responsible for the content of this homepage.

Concept, design and implementation: LISN GmbH - LISN Online Marketing Agency


The creation and maintenance of this homepage is carried out with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, we accept no liability whatsoever, on whatever legal grounds, for the accuracy, up-to-dateness and completeness of the information provided. Under no circumstances can büchele edel-stahl or its corporate partners be held responsible for the content of the homepage for any damage of any kind arising from the use of or in connection with the use of the information provided here, whether direct or indirect damage, consequential damage or special damage including loss of profit, or damage arising from the loss of data. We reserve the right to change or update the information, products or services offered on this website at any time without prior notice. The information on this website is of a general nature and serves only to present our products and services to interested Internet users. We accept no responsibility for decisions made by the user on the basis of this information. We would like to point out that the content of this website does not constitute individual legal, business or other professional information or recommendations and is not suitable as a substitute for individual advice from experts, taking into account the specific circumstances of the individual case. This website contains links to websites set up by third parties. We have no control over the websites and the information, goods or services offered there and therefore accept no responsibility whatsoever, on whatever legal grounds, for the content of third-party websites. Austrian law shall apply exclusively to any existing or future legal relationships. The edel-stahl Büchele GmbH & CoKG homepage, including all its parts such as texts and images, is protected by copyright. Any use outside the limits of copyright law is only permitted with written consent. It is not permitted to pass on the contents to third parties against payment.

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